Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Digital Paper Evaluation

This paper has been very much like learning a language, at first extremely frustrating as you feel you should know things but cant work through the process quick enough. An easy way to feel like a technological idiot very quickly. As time goes by as with a language things get a little clearer and more familiar. I would have to say that over the semester I have continued to develop my skills and fluency of use. I view it like a language unless you keep using it you will loose it, so now I am in the position of having to keep using it.

Happy though as now I am beginning to use it for other uses like creating a Blog for my daughter's up and coming exchange. Check out this clip from the IT Crowd on getting familiar with all things computers.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Future computer applications

A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning.

A friend shared this with me and I wish to pass it on. A great way at looking at how our lives may be in the near future with developments in digital technology. I suppose we have to either embrace it or go and hide under a rock. So many features, so many ways of interacting with each other digitally.


Free Libre Open Source Software.
Software that is created and shared freely and collaboratively as opposed to Industry Commerically available through purchase. Samples of this are as follows:
Adobe Photoshop - Gimp - used for photo manipulation and special effects
Microsoft Office - Open Office - used for writing, spreadsheets and powerpoints
Adobe Illustrator - Inkscape - vector drawing and magazine/publication layouts
Alias Maya 3D - Blender - 3D animation programme
Internet Explore - Mozilla Firefox - search engine for www

I found this funny little youtube clip which used Blender 3D animation software. Check it out. If you haven't read the book,"Who moved my cheese?" you may well want to after seeing this clip.Simple susinct and an easy read just like the message in this clip.
(Uploaded by on May 17, 2007)