Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Art history reading response assisgnment one, "The Gaze."

Here is my personal responses for the reading response based on Griselda Pollock's About Canons and Culture Wars" in Differencing the Canon: Feminist Desire and the Writing of Art's History  (London & New York: Routledge, 1999)

The response is comparing the works of Cabenal's, "Birth of Venus," and Manet's,  "Olympia."

Remix case studies

Lebbeus Woods chair does seem to have been re-mixed into the Bruce Will 12 Monkeys Movies. The court decided that there were enough similarities to have it edited from the film, Universal studios paid plenty for the previllage to keep the effects of the chair in the movie.
Keir Smith's, youtube clipKeir Smith v=S6eHcQhUH7Q is well worth a look and consideration. My opinion is based on Karma per say, what goes around comes around. The illegal activity with downloading is removing opportunities for the owners/artist to have credit finacially for what is theirs. If artist choose to place
 their work in open forums then that is their perogative.

Google image of a Bassett Hound (my dog)
source: animal-wallpaper-free.blogspot.com
This image is a free wallpaper image and therefore I think it falls under
the Attribution (by).
This license provides the most freedon to others who want to use the work.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grid enlargement drawing

In this exercise we had to grid the picture from a national geographic magazine and then using a gridded sheet with squares twice as big we had to enlarge the picture one square at a time. An exercise in photo-realism. The trick was to take as much time focusing on each individual square to produce a highly detailed quality reproduction of the original. Check out the following youtube clip I found clearly showing this technique.

Mark making - Drawing exercise

A mark making exercise for drawing 1O1. An experimental sheet of mark making was done and then a minimum of 8 different marks to be used to create a form with no outlines etc. The idea being that the marks would build up the form of the subject.


A wonderful clip show casing both Vincent van Gogh and Don Maclean. Enjoy!